TittleFree Download The Three Lives of James MadisonPDFTemplate Download Free The Three Lives of James Madison Online Book PDF ByNoah Feldman Total Download 12 “I often carry things to read so that I will not have to look at people.” –Charles Bukowski Synopsis A sweeping reexamination of the Founding Father who transformed the United States in each of his political “lives”—as a revolutionary thinker, as a partisan political strategist, and as a president Over the course of his life, James Madison changed the United States three times: First, he designed the Constitution, led the struggle for its adoption and ratification, then drafted the Bill of Rights. As an older, cannier politician he co-founded the original Republican party, setting the course of American political partisanship. Finally, having pioneered a foreign policy based on economic sanctions, he took the United States into a high-risk conflict, becoming the first wartime president and, despite the odds, winning. In The Thr...