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ByAnthony Molloy

Stemming the Tide

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D Day draws uncomfortably near; scheduled for May even the delay till June left much to be done by the Allies. Special Force Orca found themselves in the same boat, given many pre-invasion tasks to complete in Norway, they are then ordered to assist other special forces in Normandy. The strength of the German surface navy had been decimated with the loss of the 'Bismarck' and the crippling of her sister ship the 'Tirpitz', but two arms of the Kriegsmarine remained intact' combined and ably lead by Grossadmiral Doenitz they were capable of decimating any invasion force before it even reached its objective. The E Boat and the U Boat arms of the German Navy stood ready and waiting all along the coast of Europe. Something had to be done to reduce their fighting ability, to stem a possible tide of small fighting vessels; that something came in the form of a tall, gangling, scholarly looking Commodore by the name of Alexander Barr…and there was another small problem this went by the name of 'Crossbow'…
