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Download and Read QAnon - Q - 17 - the Great Awakening Online Book PDF

BySteven Charles Hirschfeld

QAnon - Q - 17 - the Great Awakening

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I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.


The information contained in this book ventures into unspeakable topics of the war on Trump by the establishment media, politicians, and intel agencies with a comment on the Mueller report aftermath. The establishment has chosen viable candidates for the presidency until Donald J. Trump won the race. Now there is a fear of an institutional crises causing establishment giants to attempt an overthrow of the people's president.Tuesday, November 8, 2016 was the historic date that |The People| successfully went against |The Establishment| to choose the most powerful person from outside of government. Throughout the lead-up and presidency there was an unusual amount of effort to campaign against Trump by the institutions of party, press and intelligence communities to, |Right this wrong,| by throwing every conceivable obstacle in the way. Obstacles would include the press becoming more politicized, career politicians objecting to Trump's working-class style |not befitting a politician| and intelligence leaders spilling their guts to reveal political tendencies despite the oath to be separate from politics.
