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ByMensah Watts

Dreams, Hauntings, Nightmares, and Alternate Realities

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“Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren’t very new after all.” -Abraham Lincoln


What is beyond our world? That is a question I wanted the answer to so badly while growing up. Little did I know that question was being answered through my forgotten and dismissed childhood experiences, with the king of darkness himself. As I got older, the horrible haunting of my past began to come back to the front of my mind. The evil spirit continued haunting me as I grew older, only he did it in different ways then he did when I was a child. I did not fully remember my childhood haunting until I decided to write down the stories I did remember from childhood to adulthood. It was then that it all started coming back to me. I then realized that the king of darkness had been haunting my life as fare back as I could remember. And as I began talking to people about my stories, I began to realize that people were interested in my stories of the other world and its darkness of many forms. After consulting with a close friend, I was inspired to tell the story and to write this book.
