Free Download Equine Infectious Diseases Online Book PDF ByDebra C. Sellon,Maureen T. Long Total Download 3 “A good book is the purest essence of a human soul.” –Thomas Carlyle Synopsis Ideal for both practitioners and students, Equine Infectious Diseases, 2nd Edition covers the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious disease in horses. Organized by infectious agent - viral, bacterial and rickettsial, protozoal, and fungal - it includes complete coverage of the individual diseases caused by each type of agent. A section on clinical problems offers effective treatment for conditions such as ocular infections, CNS infections, and skin infections. Preventing and controlling infectious disease outbreaks is addressed with information on epidemiology, biosecurity, antimicrobial therapy, and recognizing foreign equine diseases. Public health considerations presented in nearly every chapter discuss zoonotic disease potential and precautions, as well as other public health concerns....
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