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Read and Download Yoga 365PDF

Download Free Yoga 365 Online Book

BySusanna Harwood Rubin

Yoga 365

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“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” -Ernest Hemingway


Yoga 365 presents a year's worth of daily readings that invite yoga lovers of every skill level to bring the inspiration they experience on their mats into their everyday lives. Each entry explores a mind-body theme such as balance, strength, and resilience in a short, illuminating paragraph that can be enjoyed in the morning or at bedtime, incorporated into a yoga session, or read on the go. Featuring a serenely beautiful hardcover and a spacious, color-washed interior, the package is as calming in the hand as the readings are to the eye. Yogis will find it to be a motivating tool for personal growth and a lighthearted way to share the joys of their practice with others.
